Alcian Blue

Alcian Yellow

Enhance Your Histology Techniques

Author: Kelsey Goldman, HTL (ASCP)

Last Update: 1 January 2025

Copyright: 2025,

Cite this Page! -> Goldman, Kelsey. “Alcian Blue.” HistologyOutlines.Com, 1 Jan 2025. Accessed (today).


  • Alcian Yellow is a mucin stain. It is often used in addition with Toluidine Blue in order to detect H. Pylori.

Control Tissues

  • Gastric Tissue

Staining Pattern

  • Mucin= Yellow

Biochemistry Theory


Additional References

Sample Protocol

H. Pylori Stain Protocol

Working Solution Preparation

Prepare the following working solution (can be kept for 1 month):

  • Take 50 mL of Distilled Water and add 0.5 mL of Toluidine Blue Stock Solution.
  • Add 2 drops of 3% Sodium Hydroxide.


  1. Deparaffinize and hydrate sections.
  2. Oxidize the sections in 1% Periodic Acid for 10 minutes. Note: It is important to verify the correct concentration of periodic acid is used. Do not reuse this solution.
  3. Wash sections well in Deionized Water.
  4. Put slides into 5% Sodium Metabisulfite for 5 minutes.
  5. Wash in running tap water for 2 minutes.
  6. Stain in Alcian Yellow for 5-10 minutes depending on desired intensity.
  7. Wash sections well in Deionized Water.
  8. Stain in Toluidine Blue working solution for 3-5 minutes. Note: Do not reuse the part of the solution that you place these slides into.
  9. Wash slides well in Deionized Water.
  10. Blot the slides dry.
  11. Dehydrate quickly, clear, and mount.

Adapted from:
“H. Pylori Stain Kit, Alcian Yellow.” Avantik-US, . Accessed 17 July 2023.